Professional processing of metal sheets

Professional processing of metal sheets

Professional processing of metal sheets

Professional processing of metal sheets and profiles

Welcome to the web pages of our company, that is specializing in production of components and wholes from sheets and profiles.

In the production process there is used modern technology of CNC machines for cutting and bending of the material. The welding process is provided by technology MIG, MAG, WIG, brazing, semi-automatic welding machine, workplace with the welding robot. The painting is ensured by a powder or wet form of paint, then the assembly follows with tests of finished products.


Certificate of quality management system ČSN EN ISO 9001-2009

Certificate of welding ČSN EN ISO 3834-2

Certificate of process of welding ČSN EN 15085

Certificate of process of welding V95

The use of funds from EU.

Surface finish

The part of the production process is also a quality surface finish of products. In this case our company has the powder and wet paint shops, which are placed in the separate production area. There is an opion of pretreatment by phosphating or blasting by crushed steel. Our paint shops are designed for custom production and they enable an easy change of shade or painting process.

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